5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene
These 5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene Can Help to Balance Your Circadian Rhythm, Hormones, Mood, Weight, and Sleep!
Everyone has heard of personal hygiene and oral hygiene, and it is safe to say that most people take all the needed actions to ensure theirs is in tip-top shape. However, the term light hygiene may not be something most people are familiar with. In this post, we will discover 5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene that are simple and straightforward!

What is quantum light hygiene?
Quantum light hygiene is a concept that focuses on optimizing our exposure to light in order to balance our circadian rhythm, hormones, mood, weight, and sleep. It recognizes the importance of natural light and its impact on our overall well-being.
Our bodies have evolved to be in sync with the natural light-dark cycle of the day. However, modern lifestyles often disrupt this balance with excessive exposure to artificial light sources, particularly blue light emitted by electronic devices. This can lead to a range of health issues, including disrupted sleep patterns, hormonal imbalances, mood disorders, weight gain, and even increased risk of chronic diseases.
By practicing quantum light hygiene, we can take steps to mitigate these negative effects. This involves being mindful of our exposure to different types of light throughout the day. For example, getting outside in the morning and exposing ourselves to natural sunlight helps regulate our internal clock and boosts alertness and mood.
By aligning our exposure to light with our natural circadian rhythm, we can support the proper functioning of our hormones, improve mood stability, regulate appetite and metabolism for weight management, and enhance the quality of our sleep. Quantum light hygiene offers a holistic approach to maintaining overall well-being in today’s technology-driven world.
The Sun vs The Bulb
To put it simply, humans evolved thanks to the light from a certain ball of hydrogen and helium known as the sun. For ages, this was the only light source humans used, and the only one they ever needed. It woke people up and told them when to hit the hay while also helping them to synthesize vitamin D and many different hormones.
Today, most people rely on artificial light sources before the sun rises and again after it sets. After dark, it is all too simple to turn on the lights in the home after the sun goes down. Though this seems like a good thing, artificial light can throw the circadian rhythm out of whack, cause eye strain, affect hormone balance, and lead to headaches.
Though it may seem as if this is just one more health issue to worry about, improving light hygiene is something anyone can accomplish, and doing so is rather simple. Read on to learn 5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene!

5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene:
1) Turn all screens to red
Avoiding a computer or phone screen may not be an option since most people require these items to do their jobs. Instead of avoiding them altogether, use the device’s settings to turn them red to help prevent the possible hormonal imbalance and sleep disruption caused by artificial light.
Here are steps on how to turn your iPhone screen red. Here are instructions for Android.
Here is a free desktop application that can change the color tone of your screen to deep orange.
2) Wear a scarf at night
Since blue light is a known offender when it comes to thyroid health, be sure to include some extra thyroid protection from artificial light by wearing a scarf to protect this vital organ.

3) Take time to watch the sun rise and set
Get outside when the sun rises to take advantage of setting the body’s internal clock. This will also help regulate the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin which will be converted to melatonin and tryptophan to help encourage restful nights of sleep.
4) Wear blue blockers
Find a pair of blue blocker glasses that blocks blue light so that the body will get the message that it is time to stop producing cortisol and start producing melatonin. Be sure to wear them after the sun sets if you will be exposed to artificial light and when sitting in front of a computer screen.
Those who lived through the 80s will be thrilled to know that blue blocker fashion has come a long way!

5) Break for sunlight
Instead of taking a break by moving from one screen to another, get outside and get some sunlight. Doing so will ensure that the body’s clock remains on time and hormone levels remain in balance.
It also has the added benefit of giving a nice mood boost. Try a morning or afternoon walk to absorb some rays and burn some calories in the process.

In Conclusion: 5 Ways to Refine Your Light Hygiene
Anyone thinking they need to become an expert in light hygiene can rest assured that the above simple changes are all easy to implement. Changing screen settings, adding a scarf and blue blockers, and making sure to get an optimal amount of sun exposure are all simple, affordable ways to improve light hygiene and, in turn, overall health!
*Not medical advice.