Arvigo Maya Massage for Fertility & Dysmenorrhea with Jana Beam Powers: Podcast Season 2, Episode 2
The Maya Massage technique is based on a traditional massage that has been used for centuries in South America reproductive and digestive issues.
Conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), infertility, fibroids, polyps, misaligned uterus, scarring from surgeries, and painful cycles can all be helped with Maya Massage.
Jana Beam Powers is an Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage Practitioner, Massage Therapist, and intuitive healer that uses the Arvigo technique to help clients heal, specializing in woman’s reproductive and digestive health.
Jana provides hands-on healing as well as coaching on diet, supplements, emotional health and sexual trauma healing.
I’ve been blessed to work with Jana for several Arvigo sessions, and have felt such an amazing improvement in my PCOS symptoms (and have even seen positive results on my ultrasound!) that I just had to share her story here with you all that are looking for a holistic approach to feminine healing.
You can learn how to work with Jana at her website, Moon Balance Healing Arts. If you live outside the Dallas, TX area you can find a listing of practitioners around the word here.

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Please scroll down for the show notes.
0:00 Introduction
1:54 Jana Beam Powers is a Massage Therapist, Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage Practitioner and intuitive healer. She specializes in woman’s reproductive and digestive health. She provides hands-on healing as well as coaching on diet, supplements, emotional health and sexual trauma healing.
3:52 The Maya Massage technique is based on a traditional massage that has been used for centuries in South America reproductive and digestive issues. Rosita Arvigo recognized this treatment while travelling to the area, and trained under the shaman Don Julito who was performing the therapy there.
6:02 The common approach in allopathic medicine with certain dysmenorrhea issues are either prescription hormones or surgery.
6:17 Conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), infertility, fibroids, polyps, misaligned uterus, scarring from surgeries, and painful cycles can all be helped with Maya Massage.
7:51 Jana has helped even those who have had unsuccessful exploratory surgeries, during which more scar tissue was created during the procedure on top of what the patient possibly already had and was causing their original health issue.
9:33 I celebrate my ultrasound results with Jana after the 7 therapy sessions I’ve had so far with her: my ovarian cysts have been lessened in numbers; my nebothian cervical cysts have reduced; and a complex cluster on my ovary is gone. My periods have been less painful, clotting has been reduced and my cyclic emotional swings have seen improvement.
12:36 Jana talks about some of her favorite healing success stories from her clients:
One client was trying to get pregnant but was unable to conceive despite her tests showing everything was fine. After two sessions she contacted Jana and revealed to her that she was pregnant!
Another client of hers was in her early 20’s and had massive, grapefruit-sized cysts on her ovaries. She had already had 3 or 4 surgeries to have them removed. She came to Jana in hopes that the therapy would help her put off having another surgery due to her busy working schedule. After about 12 monthly sessions over the course of a year, her cysts had shrunk to golf ball size.
Another client was a skeptical 30-year old man who had mystery adhesion pain in his stomach and was diagnosed with abdominal adhesion after exploratory surgery. He had about a 30% pain reduction after 1 session, and after he completed 3 sessions he was almost pain-free.
16:47 Jana had used the technique on herself for her own personal healing, and it was how she came into performing the massages on others. After she learned about the therapy she sought out a therapist in Austin, TX. Jana had 3 sessions performed over 3 months on her, and the result was usually heavy and painful period started with no pain other than very mild cramping. She was then encouraged to learn the technique herself as there were no other Maya Massage therapists in the Dallas area at the time. She flew to Belize and met Rosita Arvigo who trained her in the technique.
19:48 The therapy also includes self-massage at home to aid in boosting healing in between sessions, and Jana teaches this to her clients in her sessions.
The biggest benefit of utilizing home massage is keeping the tissues, skin and connective layers of tissue loose and pliable, so that when you return to your session with your professional therapist, they do not have be broken back down again before getting to the underlying tissues. Your therapist can start where they left off last time.
Another great benefit is focusing your energy on yourself every day. “When we put our focus on our healing every day, there’s an energetic piece to that that brings our healing faster.”
22:25 Jana talks about how so much of our emotional life is happening in our abdominal region. (Mind – Body – Spirit)
24:19 One of the pieces of advice Jana gives her clients is to “remember to play” as enjoyment and fun contribute to our healing as well. Our cells respond to feeling good.
25:12 Stress management is vital to feminine healing. Jana also notices many of her clients will include acupuncture as a complementary treatment to Maya Massage as both techniques deal with flow.
26:58 Supplements for feminine health which are commonly used are primrose oil, vitex / chasteberry, D.I.M. (for excess estrogen level), and maca.
29:45 Jana has seen in herself and in her clients that people who struggle with chronic illness, chronic pain and sensitivities tend to be emotionally sensitive and/or empaths. Jana integrates energy work into her coaching that helps her clients deal with traumas, letting go of others’ baggage so they can deal with their own emotions. This allows her clients to get to a place where they can process their emotions, branch out, and enjoy life in a state of bliss rather than a state of emotional and physical pain.
For those that are not in the local area of Dallas/Fort Worth TX, she also provides her coaching via Skype.