OMG green goodness dip aip paleo
AIP,  Recipes,  Sauces & Dressings,  Whole 30

O.M.Green Goodness Avocado Dip – AIP, Paleo, Low-Carb

Snacking…sometimes, it’s what’s for second-supper.

Quite often in the evening I feel my tummy begin to rumble again, usually a couple of hours after my 5 o’clock dinner time, and its quite often something fierce. 

Previously, I have ignored this in an effort to not put a full meal in my belly shortly before retiring to the bedroom, because we all know how hard it is to sleep with your digestive tract a-churnin’.  Plus, it can be a chore sometimes chewing meat and veg all day, and to be completely honest, I just don’t feel like eating again.  And washing another dish again.  I am drained and lazy by this point in the day.

Thanks to my going-to-bed-hungry adventures and late-night-laziness, I’ve also woken up in the middle of the night because I could hear a disgruntled bear my stomach growling! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr…

So I came up with this nutrient-dense and veggie-laden green snack of cool, creamy goodness to tide over the hungry bear growls.

Its fast. Its easy. It tempting. And it’s full of green Autoimmune Protocol friendly ingredients.

Just add crisp veggie sticks, sweet potato chips, or (my fave) plain pork rinds, and you are in O.M.Green Goodness snackin’ heaven.

Try adding a new flavor favorite of mine to the mix: diced red onion and mango!

Now that silly ol’ bear shouldn’t bother you until morning.

O.M.Green Goodness Dip
A quick and easy snack dip loaded with veggies. Autoimmune Protocol, Paleo, and Low Carb
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1 large Avocado, cubed
  2. 1 handful Baby spinach, chopped
  3. 1/4 Cucumber, chopped
  4. 1 handful Cilantro, chopped
  5. 1 Lime, juiced (or 2 Tb lime or lemon juice)
  6. Garlic powder and Himalayan salt to taste
  7. 1/2 bunch Green onions, circle cut
  1. Mash all ingredients with a fork in medium size bowl (one that has a lid is optimal) until desired consistency.
  2. Cover and chill if desired.
  3. Serve with veggie sticks, sweet potato / root vegetable chips, or plain pork rinds.
  1. Would also be great with chopped artichokes mixed in!
Primal Sam


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