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Why You May Want to Get Tested for Celiac Before You Go Gluten-Free for Hashimoto’s

Learn Why You May Want to Get Tested for Celiac Before You Go Gluten-Free for Autoimmune Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

If you are new to going gluten-free, experts highly recommend getting checked for Celiac disease BEFORE removing gluten from your diet.

The reason for this is because once you have not consumed gluten in your diet for some time, it will be virtually impossible for you to get tested later for Celiac without the gluten antibodies in your system, and most likely present a false negative test result, even when you are in fact Celiac.

I know this from unfortunate personal experience, as eliminating gluten before getting tested has left me with the inability to get officially diagnosed with my own suspected Celiac disease. I have also heard many stories from other individuals and clients that did not know this information before going gluten free. 

Eliminating gluten as soon as possible is beneficial for those with Hashimoto’s, regardless of presence of Celiac or not. Having an official diagnosis is not always necessarily a dire need, but rather, respectfully, a personal choice. Some people may simply wish to know officially if they also have Celiac disease, others may require a diagnosis for other documentation purposes like qualifying for gluten-free meals for their campus’s or child’s school lunch program, or even for legal issues like a social security disability application.

The information in this post can help you understand the gluten challenge, learn which labs to take to test for Celiac, and learn why a grain-free diet may be best for hypothyroidism.

*Not medical advice.

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The Gluten Antibody Testing Gold Standard

The gold standard to be able to get a proper blood test done is to consume 1 to 4 pieces of gluten-containing bread for up to 12 weeks before antibodies will be present enough again for testing.

If you are in fact a Celiac (or gluten intolerant for that matter) this gold standard is a very painful and DAMAGING protocol to follow, with many individuals not even being able to make it past the first day or so of consuming gluten temporarily because they become debilitatingly ill.

Which Labs to Order

Here is information from​ about which tests to order if you are just getting started with getting checked for antibodies to gluten and Celiac disease. has varying Celiac panels that you can order on your own and are available in most US states. This is ​one of their most popular panels, and ​this is a low cost option​ if you want to start with a la carte.

Since gluten can cause damage to thyroid tissue regardless of antibodies to gluten, it is imperative to get checked as soon as possible so that you can then expeditiously eliminate it from your diet.

What About Grains?

Going grain free is the next step for helping to balance hormones. There is so much research regarding a grain free diet and thyroid recovery.

Hormones affect parts of your body one after another in a domino effect. The tricky thing about hormones is that they are continually changing, and when out of balance can wreak havoc on your well-being. By means of a Paleo or Anbimal-Based diets, which exclude grains, legumes, soy, and synthetic food-like-substances, you can help your body obtain better hormone balance.

There are many good reasons to not consume grains. Grains contain protease inhibitors, gluten, lectins, and phytates. Eating grains influences a high blood sugar level, thus causing an imbalance in your hormone levels. Following a Paleo diet can help you retain a healthy balance.

Phytic acid is a hormone disruptor.

All grains, nuts, seeds, and beans contain phytic acid—a compound that comes from the phosphorus found in plants. It inhibits thyroid function, hampers digestion and leaches vitamins and minerals from the body, such as zinc and iron (which are essential to your thyroid’s functions). Many people who consume foods that are high in phytic acid suffer from a mineral deficiency.

Those who suffer from digestive distress find that removing the naturally occurring phytic acid found in those foods can be very beneficial to your health. This is why it’s important to avoid grains and beans, and if you DO plan to consume seeds and nuts, take the small amount of extra time soak your raw nuts and seeds to remove the phytic acid.

By following a grain-free diet, you give your body the chance for balanced and healthy hormones. A lot of people have had remarkable success in achieving hormonal harmony over time by following this diet and lifestyle. Primal living boasts foods rich in nutrients, proper exercise, better sleep, and eliminating  personal products that cause unnecessary inflammation.

Phytic acid in grains and un-soaked nuts and seeds can contribute to thyroid hormone imbalance.

How to Soak Nuts and Seeds

  • Add the raw nuts or seeds to a bowl of warm or room-temperature water.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar.
  • Leave the bowl sitting on your countertop.
  • Soak the nuts or seeds for 12-24 hours.
  • Empty the nuts or seeds into a colander, and rinse under running water for at least 30 seconds to remove any remaining phytic acid.
  • Cook the nuts or seeds as usual, or store them raw in an airtight container in your fridge for 1-2 days, or freeze them for up to 2 to 3 months.
To make batch cooking for the Paleo AIP or Paleo diet a breeze, be sure to check out my CAPSULE MEAL PLANS. These plans help you to quickly and easily stock your fridge with a week’s worth of home cooked, comforting meals…all without dirtying too many dishes or burning yourself out.

Now that you know Why You May Want to Get Tested for Celiac Before You Go Gluten-Free for Hashimoto’s, take the next step soon and get checked! 

Once you’ve gotten tested, be sure to boomark the trove of delicous free recipes inside my blog archives! Consider these ancestral diets which have been shown to improve thyroid function:

Paleo AIP



Action Steps:

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