Diffusing Essential Oils for Stress Relief
Diffusing Essential Oils for Stress Relief allows you to experience the health benefits from essential oils without actually having to apply them to your skin or take a bath with the oils.
You just place a few drops in the diffuser and it heats up. This allows the oil scents to start wafting around the room you are in.
They can be great for stress! Plus they make your home smell like your own personal version of a spa as an added perk.

The Basics of Diffusing Essential Oils for Stress Relief
Use the Diffuser On a Regular Basis
Reduce your stress with an essential oils diffuser by using it on a regular basis. While using it just once on a really stressful day can help, you will gain the best impact when you use it continuously.
Place it in a room where you will remember to add new oils as needed and turn the diffuser on. This could be your bathroom when taking a bath. Or in your bedroom when relaxing at the end of a long day.
To use a diffuser, you add oils into the well with distilled water. Next you turn it on, then enjoy the scent as it gently mists your living space.
Put the Diffuser in Rooms Where You Want to Relax
When deciding on the proper placement for your essential oils diffuser, try to find locations in your home where you want to relax the most.
Since you are using it to help you de-stress, it may even be helpful if you choose to use your diffuser in rooms that tend to create chaotic thoughts in your mind – like your home office or on your desk at your job.
You can also put it in rooms where you have no intention of working and where you usually find yourself relaxing, such as your living room. Diffuse when you are sitting down at your reading nook to enjoy a good book, or in rooms like the bedroom or family room.

Use the Right Essential Oils For Stress Relief
There are a lot of different essential oils you can choose, but for the purpose of helping you unwind specifically, choose oils that help the best with stress levels.
Certain oils tend to be better for relieving your stress than others. For example, rose is one of the best essential oils you can use for stress, which works great in an oil diffuser. Some other great ones include lavender and chamomile, both of which also help you to sleep as well.
These are some of my personal favorite oils when I’m Diffusing Essential Oils for Stress Relief:
In terms of stress relief, you really can’t go wrong with lavender. This is a very calming and soothing herb, so it can help you when you have a lot of mental stress from finances, work, and holiday stress.
Lavender’s calming effects work on your nervous system, so it is going to help you relax and have less stress while also helping with restlessness, moodiness, and sleep disturbances.

Add some drops of chamomile essential oil and Epsom salt to your bath to help you de-stress at the end of a long day.
Like lavender, chamomile is soothing and relaxing. Not only that, it can even be used on irritated skin since it also happens to be an anti-inflammatory. Just be sure to use a carrier oil when applying any essential oil to the skin, and never apply it directly as they are very concentrated and can cause irritation at full-strength.
An essential oil many people overlook, but that should definitely be at the top of your list, is rose essential oil.
If you are dealing with holiday stress due to all the things you need to do, dinners to plan, and gifts to buy, add some drops of rose essential oil to your diffuser.
You can even add rose oil to a footbath with liquid black or castile soap, then relax with your feet in the warm, bubbly water. You will feel almost instantly better and less stressed.
Vetiver essential oil is also very relaxing and even has a tranquil energy.
You feel calmer when you use this oil, helping extremely well with high amounts of stress. It can also help with things like restless feelings, stress attacks, and even moments of panic.
Like the other oils, you can add it to your bubble bath, foot bath, or use it in a diffuser so that it works like aromatherapy.

Here is a list of other oils to consider adding to your diffuser to help reduce your stress:
Try adding just one at a time and seeing how you react to them, or try creating your own blends.
This pack of Therapeutic Blends by Woolzies are some of my personal favorites, and also this smaller Sleep Collection pack. These are natural essential oils at an affordable price that don’t compromise quality.

Are you a newbie or pro at Diffusing Essential Oils for Stress Relief?
Do you use an EO diffuser or are you hoping to add this stress-relieving practice into your routine? I’d love to hear in the comments!
