Holistic Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Basics
Learn these Holistic Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Basics so that You Can Better Relate to Your Thyroid and Start Supporting Your Thyroid with Simple Steps
Among the diverse medical issues on the rise, thyroid disease is among the top few that seem to be diagnosed more frequently.
Two main reasons for the increase of thyroid disease include lack of nutrients from improper nutrition, and toxicity in the body. To know the effect of a non-working thyroid, it is essential to first understand what precisely the gland does in your body.

The thyroid is an extremely small gland that looks like a butterfly located below the Adam’s apple.
When it doesn’t work well, it may swell up or become accompanied by a tingling or painful sensation. The thyroid is supposed to be hidden inside your neck, but a non-functioning thyroid could present as a tiny bulge or a much larger goiter in the neck area.
Experts may feel the size of your thyroid by palpating your neck or by placing a hand around your neck.
The thyroid is known as the hormone factory of your body.
It generates varying hormones for your body to function properly. T3 and T4 are the main hormones that are produced by the thyroid, and they primarily control the metabolism and energy level of the body.
Whether your thyroid is producing too much or too little of these important hormones, your body fails to work properly. Lack of hormones makes your body sluggish and slow; too much hormone, on the other hand, makes you hyperactive, sending your body into overdrive.
Proper care of the thyroid is vitally important as it affects the whole body over time.
Your brain may be affected, as well as your reproductive health, body weight, and heart. Often classified as an autoimmune issue, thyroid problems often occur concurrently with high cholesterol and other issues.
The body might experience arthritis-type pain that shall diminish once the levels of hormones are back to a normal state. Thyroid issues affect both men and women of all ages.

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The American Thyroid Association reported that half of the individuals with thyroid problems don’t even know about it.
Thyroid problems are frequently misdiagnosed as the most common symptoms can be attributed to other illnesses.
Some specific groups of individuals, however, are more susceptible to the illness than others. For instance, women are eight times more likely than men to encounter this issue.
Also, you are more prone when you have a family history of this disease. In such a case, having a check up on a regular basis is highly suggested so your thyroid hormone levels can be monitored.
People with high exposure to radiation also have higher possibilities of this illness as the gland is very sensitive to any radiation. Elderly people also have a higher risk of a thyroid disorder.
Being a sufferer of a thyroid disorder can sometimes be discouraging.
Symptoms are sometimes debilitating and having a chronic condition can pull you down. On the other hand, the fact remains that this is a manageable disease that you don’t just have to live with, you can thrive through it.
The first step is to get the right care and treatment by calling on the right expert and taking the proper course of medication and/or supplements. Eating a healthy diet that eliminates sugar and processed foods is just as important as is keeping positive and having the right mindset about your body’s natural healing power.
Holistic Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Basics:
The thyroid is the center of your body’s hormonal system.
The thyroid releases hormones which control the metabolism of the body. Once the thyroid starts to malfunction, or illness affects its process, the body’s metabolism could be seriously affected.
One change that can happen because of the thyroid problem is weight gain. With weight gain due to thyroid issues, you can find that it is hard to lose that weight.
A lot of people out there are trying to lose fat or weight. On the other hand, they may not consider how their metabolism is working when it comes to their thyroid. The main issue is a lot of professionals and weight loss plans recommend cutting the intake of calories. For people who have a working thyroid, this kind of approach works and can be very effective. On the other hand, for those who do not have a working thyroid, cutting calories could do more damage than good.
The thyroid is known as the hormone factory of your body.
Hypothyroidism is the condition wherein your thyroid gland generates an insufficient level of the hormones T3 and T4 which are needed by your body for proper metabolic function, like converting carbohydrates and fats into energy.
These thyroid hormones are essential for controlling your body temperature as well as for the creation of protein.
Usually, this condition is common among women, most particularly between the age of 35 and 60, although some men also develop this condition.
The symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism differ.
It depends on the seriousness of the T3 or T4 deficiency. Some symptoms are slow to appear or will appear over the course of a few years. Many symptoms may be mistaken for other illnesses, thus delaying a diagnosis.
First, you might barely notice a weight gain and fatigue, or you or your conventional doctor might just attribute those signs to age or stress.
Once you are experiencing T3 or T4 deficiency, your metabolism will slow and you may experience many other symptoms, including:
Body pain
Memory loss
Lifeless skin and hair
Increased weight gain
Loss of appetite
Low growth rate in children
High Cholesterol
Increased Blood Pressure
Slow Heart Rate
Comprehension issues, brain fog
Undigested food in stool
Swelling/edema/puffiness all over your body, limbs feel very weak
Acid reflux
Sleeping all the time (over 10 hours)
Inability to lose weight with diet and exercise
Less sweating than everyone else
Hives with too much sun (not able to cool yourself down)
Irregular menstrual cycles
Difficulty getting pregnant and miscarriages
Cold hands/feet (think sweaters in summer)
Outer 1/3 of eyebrows are very thin or gone
When hypothyroidism is not treated, symptoms can slowly become serious.
You may experience “brain fog” or have trouble concentrating; your thought processes may slow, making it difficult to think straight, speak per regular, or make decisions.
You may also constantly feel tired, anxious, or even a little depressed.
For those who are trying hard to lose weight, an underactive thyroid could make attaining any weight loss nearly impossible.
Even limiting the intake of calories will not assist with weight loss once experiencing this condition. As a matter of fact, due to the already slowed metabolism, your body will begin hoarding what few calories it’s getting, exacerbating the weakness and fatigue associated with hypothyroidism, and creating a storm for adrenal dysfunction.
80% to 90% of hypothyroid clients have an underlying autoimmune condition. You can also fluctuate from hypo to hyper while the thyroid is malfunctioning and being attacked
There can be many causes of a sluggish thyroid, resulting in hypothyroidism.
Ways to discover the cause are mentioned below:
1) Nodules may become cancerous, and thyroid ultrasound or biopsy can be done to check on it.
2) Basal Body Temperature can help with distinguishing if it is thyroid or adrenal.
3) Most doctors will only do a TSH test. It can be within normal range, and you can still be experiencing hypo symptoms. You must insist that the doctor do all tests, and if they refuse or tell you not to bother, you can still order them yourself out-of-pocket online from companies like Ulta Wellness or Paloma Health (the latter provides remote doctor support if you select this add-on service).
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)
TSH (to check pituitary function)
Although the immune system is supposed to protect the body against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria, those who have an autoimmune disorder are in trouble. Their immune system attacks the healthy thyroid and makes it incapable of producing sufficient hormone for proper functioning. Thus, the thyroid becomes sluggish.
This disorder can occur at any stage in life and gets severe as the person ages. This autoimmune disease can cause Hashimoto’s disease, which damages the thyroid.
This condition refers to inflammation of the thyroid gland. This can be a result of some viral infection which causes the thyroid to secrete all its thyroid hormone at once.
At that time, the thyroid gland becomes hyperactive, but once all the stored hormone is released, the thyroid now becomes sluggish and fails to produce sufficient thyroid hormone.
The amount of hormone that the thyroid is supposed to produce is decided by the pituitary gland, which secretes a hormone called TSH to stimulate the thyroid. If the pituitary is damaged or fails to produce adequate TSH, it can result in the sluggishness of the thyroid gland.
The amount of iodine in one’s body also influences the secretion of thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland requires an amount of iodine for proper functioning, but this is a controversial topic.
PLEASE work with a well-versed doctor or trained professional to test for iodine and mineral levels before supplementing. Imbalanced nutrient concentrations often leads to hypothyroidism.
There are several medicines and drugs that can negatively impact the operational capability of the thyroid gland. These medicines include interferon-alpha, lithium, and much more.
Too much stress can also lead to a sluggish thyroid. The stress causes the increased amount of cortisol and reduces thyroid hormone production. It also negatively affects the conversion of T4 into a T3 hormone.
A permeable gut (leaky gut), hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), and infections like SIBO, Candida, and H Pylori can contribute to nutrient deficiencies that over time may lead to a hypothyroid state.
An anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich diet along with support for your stomach acid (if it is low) can help to keep your gut and therefore thyroid happy. Getting tested for gut co-infections using a Comprehensive Microbiome Analysis can help you discover if you need targeted support and dietary protocols to eradicate infections or balance out a bacterial imbalance.
Viral infections like Lyme, Epstein Barr (EBV), Bartonella, and others can damage thyroid function, make thyroid antibodies rise, and keep you in a hypothyroid state despite all of your efforts.
If you have tried many holistic approaches and just aren’t getting better, you may wish to get functional lab testing for these and other viruses that are common culprits for negatively affecting the thyroid.
Get checked for EBV with this panel.
Other than the treatments suggested by the doctors and physicians, the most important thing for treating a sluggish thyroid is to take greater care of your diet. Remember the phrase, “You are what you eat.’
Therefore, you should pay special attention to your dietary intake. It is the most efficient way of keeping the thyroid gland working properly. Some changes in the lifestyle would also be beneficial in this regard. Additionally, managing your stress would also assist in recovering the healthy functioning of the thyroid.
Most importantly, limit refined carbohydrates and processed food.
These foods, including sweets, raise the sugar content in the blood and reduce the vital minerals your body needs to function. Minimizing their intake in your diet is helpful in improving thyroid function.
Selenium is vital for a healthy thyroid, and it transforms the T4 hormone into T3. The good sources from which you can get selenium include brazil nuts, eggs, tuna, chicken, and asparagus.
Zinc is also a helpful substance for successful conversion of T4 into T3. Thus, its intake would be great for keeping the thyroid fully functional. The major sources include oysters, beef, bison, venison etc.
Iodine deficiency can cause a number of problems and is one of the most prominent reasons for an under-active thyroid. Its adequate supply is necessary for healthy thyroid secretion. The major source supplying iodine are eggs and sea vegetables / seaweeds like kelp and kombu.
They contain significant levels of trace minerals, useful proteins, healthy fats, iodine, and vitamins. Moreover, taking sea salt can be highly supportive. It is one of the best qualities of salts available and is free of harmful chemicals. The addition of sea vegetables to your diet offers a number of benefits to your thyroid.
Tyrosine is another important element whose intake is important. It is a building block of both T4 and T3. It can be obtained from eggs, duck, seaweed, and spinach, etc.
Other than diet, some changes in your daily routine and lifestyle would be very helpful in fixing your thyroid function. A few holistic things you can start incorporating to help support your thyroid function are :
Spend time safely in the sun
Get 8 hours of sleep nightly
Ground your bare feet to the earth daily
Balance your body’s minerals
Address past trauma
Seek out coinfections and underlying conditions
Block artificial blue light when the sun is down
See the sun rise and sunset every day with bare eyes
Taking some time out of the daily routine for some gentle exercise would be great. Exercise is known to be a good detoxifying factor for all the major harmful toxins, including heavy metals. These substances are associated with the slow functioning of the thyroid.
Be sure to not over-exert yourself with your workouts or participate in heavy cardio, as this can actually be more harmful than helpful for those with thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, and autoimmune disease. Yoga and pilates are two exercise forms that are gentle on the immune system yet efficient for the whole body.
(Post coming soon about supplements that may work best for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s!)
In the meantime check out Paloma’s helpful thyroid blend.
The best thing about these Holistic Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Basics is that you can get started supporting your thyroid today!
Action Steps:
Download your free Thyroid Checklist here (no signup required)
Sign up to receive your free Quantum Thyroid Bundle.
*Not medical advice.

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