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Support Your Body During Environmental Crises with Gentle Daily Detox

Learn How to Support Your Body During Environmental Crises with Gentle Daily Detox Tips that are Natural & Simple for You & Your Family

Why is detoxification important in times of environmental crisis?

It is becoming increasingly important to provide extra support to our bodies as more and more people are exposed to toxins and pollutants that can be dangerous for their health. Natural detoxification support helps to quiet our fears by empowering us to make informed decisions for our well being.

We can reduce the impact of environmental toxins on our bodies by providing essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help remove these toxins from our systems. Additionally, natural support can also help boost our immune system so that we are better able to fight off health issues caused by environmental pollutants.

9 ways to naturally protect your body from toxins every day

Removing toxins before they have a chance to build up in the body can help to improve energy levels, digestion, and mental clarity. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to detoxify the body every day that are inexpensive and non-invasive. From following a toxin removal diet to using natural remedies for detoxification, there are many simple steps you can take to cleanse your body from toxins every day and improve your health.

Let’s dive into these evidence-based strategies you can put in place for you and your family to allow for optimum drainage of your detoxifications pathways:

Consume cruciferous vegetables

These are rich in nutrients and phytonutrients that help to eliminate toxins from the body and support the liver. Broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are a few to consider.

If you do not tolerate these veggies, consider trying them fermented, like sauerkraut or kimchi, or enjoy their sprouts instead, like broccoli or radish sprouts.

Enjoy selenium-rich foods & get enough animal protein

Eating foods that are rich in selenium can help support your body’s natural detoxification process since this nutrient is a glutathione cofactor. Animal protein is essential for your body to run its detoxification pathways, as it requires certain amino acids in order to make enzymes and other molecules.

If you don’t eat enough protein, your body will eventually break down its lean tissue to obtain these amino acids. Some of the best sources include Brazil nuts, chia, sunflower seeds, pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, eggs, and cottage cheese.

Drink your tea

Certain herbal teas like dandelion, ginger, and nettle leaf contain powerful medicinal properties that can aid in detoxifying the liver and other organs. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals which can support overall health.

Protein is essential for your body to run its detoxification pathways.

ground beef

Purify your air & water

With crisis levels of air and water pollution, it is important to take extra steps to purify our air and water. Install air purifiers and utilize air purifying plants in your home. Employ advanced water filtration methods to help reduce the contamination from environmental pollutants.

Here is an esteemed air filter and efficient water filter to consider. Also look into shower head filters and a whole-home water filtration system if one is within your budget.

Move gently & de-stress

Exercising gently can help reduce stress while also supporting detox pathways. Engage in non-strenuous exercises that support rather than stress an already-taxed immune system.

Some options to consider are yoga, pilates, walking outdoors, strength training, casual swimming, and leisurely biking.

Practice dry brushing, rebounding, and red light therapy

These powerful tools can help support gentle detoxification and improve immunity. Choose natural bristle dry brushes rather than plastic, and brush your skin towards the heart early in the day.

If you cannot afford a mini trampoline, you can rebound instead on your bed or even on the floor. Though worth the cost, red light therapy can get pricey (though worth it) when you invest in high-quality devices; a free option is to view the sunrise and sunset daily with bare eyes.

Here is a lower cost red light lamp I use in my home. Though it has low flicker, I am still cautious about it’s NNEMF output by keeping it 12″ from my body during use.

Full spectrum support for a healthy stress response, mood, muscles, and sleep. SAVE 20% WITH CODE CAVEWOMAN

Take supportive supplements

After confirming with your functional physician, consider adding liver supportive supplements to your regimen. Some that you may wish to include are milk thistle, artichoke, glutathione, NAC, vitamin C, cinnamon, ginger, and astaxanthin.

Clean up your cleaning & personal care routine

Avoid bringing more toxins into your home in the forms of endocrine disruptors, fragrances, and synthetic chemicals. These are found in conventional cleaning solutions, soaps, lotions, makeup, candles, room sprays, and many more products.

Use your search engine to find home cleaning supply recipes that use natural ingredients like essential oils, vinegar, and baking soda. There are also many clean brands and DIY versions of your favorite toiletries and beauty finds.

Eat clean

Choose local organic foods whenever possible to avoid pesticides and added hormones. If only conventional fruits, veggies, and proteins are within your budget, though, not to worry!

Just be sure to wash your produce with a vinegar solution and remove the skins, and choose lean cuts of meat since most of the toxins gather in the fatty tissues of the animal, then select a pastured cooking fat like homemade tallow to make up the nutrient difference.

Hypoallergenic, cruelty-free perfumes that smell amazing & are safe for sensitive skin. Go chemical-free for your home cleaning with NORWEX.

In Conclusion: Support Your Body During Environmental Crises with Gentle Daily Detox

In the face of environmental crises, it is important to take steps to gently detoxify your body every day. Detoxifying your body helps to support the natural processes of cleansing, while also providing protection from the effects of environmental toxins.

With a few simple steps, you can help your body stay healthy and resilient in times of difficulty.

*Not medical advice.


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